IA Gen una alianza de SAP y Microsoft

AI Gen an Alliance of SAP and Microsoft

SAP y Microsoft anunciaron una alianza para resolver los desafíos comerciales de sus clientes, mediante el uso de la inteligencia Artificial Generativa (IA Gen).

These integrations will be reflected in SAP SuccessFactors with Microsoft 365 Copilot and Copilot in Viva Learning, as well as the service Azure OpenAI of Microsoft, to access powerful language models that analyze and generate natural language.

IA Gen and the proposal of SAP and Microsoft

The main objective of these integrations is to improve the experience in terms of how organizations attract, retain and train their people. In this way, SAP customers will benefit from the power of Generative AI to attract more qualified candidates for key roles and generate timely information to keep them engaged, while they remain with the company.

In this sense, the alliance between SAP and Microsoft promises to optimize the way in which new employees are hired in today's competitive market, in addition to helping employees grow, offering learning and development programs.

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