Electronic Remuneration Book... Are you ready?

By Juan Valderrama, SAP Chile.

In March 2021, the Labor Directorate (DT) announced the incorporation of the Electronic Remuneration Book (LRE), a platform that allows employers to report their workers' remuneration payments each month in a standardized manner.

In April 2021, Law No. 21,327 on the Modernization of the Labor Department was published, the objective of which is to modernize its management, inspection and mediation systems, in addition to providing specialized attention to micro, small and medium-sized companies. The obligatory nature of the use of the LRE was subject to the entry into force of this law, which began on October 1 just last year.

The SAP solution

Based on this requirement, we from the Chilean payroll development team were working on delivering a framework that allows clients to have the main structure of the report. In turn, it gives them the flexibility to configure their information sources according to the report specification. Many report fields are not defined in the standard and that is why a configurable report is delivered according to the needs of each company.

What has been delivered to date?

The Notes associated with the installation of the LRE are the following:

  • 3082115 – [CL] New Generic Log Framework
  • 3092547 – [CL] Prerequisite objects for SAP Note 3047487
  • 3047487 – [CL] LRE: Electronic Payments Book Report

In addition, until today (10/13/21) the following Correction Notes have been generated:

  • 3102816 – [CL] LRE: Incorrect Amounts When Decimals Are Configured for CLP Currency.
  • 3103858 – [CL] LRE: Incorrect Total Amounts Values After Implementation of SAP Note 3102816

What are the next steps?

According to the publication in the app Announcement of Legal Changes, we are working on incorporating the following improvements to the report:

  • New fields supported by the standard:
    • 1105: Service provision region
    • 1106: Commune provision of services
    • 1146: Técnico extranjero exención cotizaciones previsionales (valor por defecto “0” = No).
    • 1109: Old age pensioner (default value “0” = No).
    • 1141: AFP
    • 1142: IPS (ExINP)
    • 1143: FONASA – ISAPRE
    • 1151: AFC
    • 1110: CCAF
    • 1152: Org. administrator law 16,744
    • 1115: Number of days worked in the month
    • 1118: Young worker subsidy (default value “0” = No).
    • 1155: APVI
    • 1157: APVC
  • Execution of the report in the background.

The estimated date for the release of these improvements is 10/29/21 (planned delivery date). This information is published in the app Announcement of Legal Changees.

At SCO we can support you in responding to these requirements. Our consulting services characterized by a team of professionals with vast experience and knowledge are at your service to support you in whatever you requireLet's Talk!.

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This blog was based on the one originally posted on SAP's Blog

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