What are Key Users?

If you own an organization or are part of it, surely at some point you have seen or requested Out Sourcing services, in which someone from a third-party company is hired, who comes to solve problems or, failing that, to cover the position of someone who for one reason or another cannot do it on their own. This is where Key Users come in.

Key Users

Following the previous example, a Key User of its terminology in English "Cave User", is a person who is an expert in knowledge of the specific area for which they have been hired and who, unlike a common employee in an organization, will be specifically to solve some problems or replace someone who cannot carry out their work for a certain time, until the contracting organization decides that they no longer need it, or failing that, the contract is terminated.

For example, if the accountant of an organization falls ill and must go on leave for 1 month, the organization will need to hire a Key User temporarily, which covers the operations that the accountant carries out daily in the company; however, he must be an expert person and Qualified to administer the system and execute the activities that the official accountant of the company does daily, in order to execute its processes smoothly and not hinder the Organization's productivity.

Key Users

At SCO Solutions, we have Key Users in any branch you need for the administration, implementation, management and development of your SAP applications. You can schedule an appointment with us, call us or write to us and we will gladly assign Key Users to support you in the area you need:

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