Three skills that help us face the era of Digital Transformation

For several years we have been hearing about Digital Transformation and the important thing is that all companies get on it, because if they do not have a high chance of disappearing in a short time. 

When we talk about companies, we are actually talking about the people that make up the companies and it is very important that we know what skills I and my collaborators need to be at the top of this Digital Transformation.

If we base ourselves on the origin of the word "Transform" according to the RAE (Royal Spanish Academy) it is "Make someone or something change shape". In itself, it is a change and human beings – beings of society – constantly face changes; some like them more than others, but in the end, as Heraclitus said, "the only constant is change." 

And what happens when that change occurs in the company where I work?... The one where I have been for more than 3, 5, 10 or more years and they are going to change the way I do things. 

The first thing to have is calm; Normally a change of this type is not from one day to the next. Good companies ensure that these changes are accompanied by professionals who can help and guide them in what they may need to learn these new "things". But believe me, with effort, the necessary support and your own commitment, you will achieve it and this is where the first competence that we must try to develop manifests itself; the flexibility

According to Martha Alles in her dictionary of organizational competencies, she tells us that Flexibility is "the willingness to easily adapt to new circumstances or situations." I ask you, in how many situations in your life have you had to have flexibility without knowing that you had flexibility? Surely in many. It's not easy to say such or such skills are needed para estar en la Transformación Digital. I think it is important that we see ourselves and identify that we really have these competencies, surely developed to a lesser or greater degree, but they are there.

The continuous learning It is a new competence that is highly valued in this era and is clearly related to the new that is being established in organizations. One aspect that we must take into considerable consideration is that there is no turning back; we got on or we got on because wherever we go we will no longer find the typical old business model that hasn't changed at all in 20 or 30 years. If we want to continue in the labor market, and to evolve professionally, we must change the chip, and if for some reason we do not want to change the chip, let's not be stoppers of those who do want to.

On the other hand, to make things happen and for this transformation to be achieved, we must Lead supporting the changes. Behind what the organization wants to implement there is a reason for being, and in many cases it is not to disappear from the market. Let's take care of our communication, what we say and who we tell it to; our words could cause other people to reject the changes, but also to join this digital transformation.

I invite you to think about these 3 competencies: flexibility, continuous learning and leadership, and analyze how much they have been developed in your organization, and how you, with many or few years of experience, could be the mobilizer of the change that is needed for this digital transformation can be done in the best way.

At SCO we support organizations to carry out their Digital Transformation through the implementation of SAP Solutions with our consulting services characterized by a team of professionals with vast experience and knowledge. In the same way, we support this transformation with our service of change management to achieve true technology adoption.

We are SCO Solutions, we are different!

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